Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Jackson!

Well busy boy, today is your birthday. 8 years old and ready to go!
A year in review

  • basketball
  • swimming-flip turns and snorkeling
  • baseball
  • soccer
  • cub scouts-caroling, can collecting for Food for Lane County
  • Disneyland
  • Math
  • Yahtzee
  • Boys camping trip
  • Grandparent visits
  • Cooking and baking
  • Mohawks, faux hawks and buzz cut
  • Camping
  • Canoeing
  • and SMILES!
I love you Jackson. You are an amazing boy!  I can't wait to see what you do this year.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Allowances and chores

After much deliberation and arguing, the chores were divided out (some shared). Jobs that we all do for the good of the home (and for moms sanity).
Jobs that we will get allowance for- and the reminder that if you don't do them, you don't get paid. How the money gets split up weekly.
Boys #1 concern- that mom won't pay them!

Location:Team Room

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy 10th Birthday Joseph James

I am still in disbelief that I have a 10 year old! 

You are my JJ Bean and will always be.  This year will be your 5th grade year.  A year filled with football, books, basketball, books, baseball and books.  I am sure we will add some fun in there.  You are a good big brother (most of the time).  Having to set a good example for Jax and Coop can be hard and we know that you are doing your best.  It makes us proud to hear compliments about how polite you are around your friends parents, keep up the good work.  Your brothers watch everything you do, from working hard, to how to throw a baseball, to passing a basketball (notice I wrote passing, not shooting), to your love of reading.  I love you JJ! Keep smiling and enjoying life.   Have a great 10th birthday!  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rollerblading is Cool

JJ and Jax just ventured down the street, staggering on wheels with their wrist guards on and helmets on their heads. For now they are enjoying each others company, both old enough to go around the BIG block. Coop is left behind to ride his 2 wheeler.

This is what Summer Vacation is suppose to be like. Keep on blading boys-it is still cool.

Location:Side streets

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Blogging from my phone. Seeing how it works. JJ's watching the Duck baseball game as we can hear the rain pouring outside.
Peaceful Sunday!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Cooper!

The Ducks big win was a great early birthday present.  A trophy.  All you wanted to see was the trophy.  And yes it will be coming home with them.
4 years old.  You are becoming quite an independent boy.  
Keeping up with your brothers in sports, jersey and uniform changes depending on the sport of the minute.  
Cheering for your brothers, the Ducks and the Beacons loudly!  
You are a great eater, trying new foods sometimes and other times staging your own Occupy Cooper. 
You love the Cars movies, and play with your cars daily,  acting out your own scenes.  
You are your own pirate.  Argh, ahoy there and walk the plank.  
You got your first fishing pole for your birthday and finally you will get to go fishing with Grandpa and your brothers.  
You love superheros, especially Batman and you are know that I really am Wonder Woman.

Have a great birthday Cooper!  We love you, even with your stinky toots!