You are my first. The littlest to be born. Who's entry in to the world reminds me of Rafiki in The Lion King. Legs crossed in a yoga pose. You will turn 9 today (August 10). Football and 4th grade are about to begin.
1 month old |
- You are my freckled face boy. Beautiful brown eyes, long eye lashes and an amazing smile.
1st birthday |
- You are my helper. Most likely the first to put toys away, the first to be ready for bed, the first to complete your chores.
2nd birthday |
- You are my reader. Stacks of book adorn your bed. Magazines all over and the first to grab the sports page to see what transactions took place the day before.
3rd birthday |
- Sports Nut! You could go a month and not wear the same jersey twice:) You quiz Daddy and your friends with sports trivia usually stumping them.
4th birthday |
- Music Music Music. You enjoy Michael Jackson (Thriller, Beat It) and you can bust out the centipede. You go through phases of other songs. You have a silent interest in Justin Beiber (and we won't tell anyone just in case they pick on you) and you and Daddy went to see the movie:) The Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney is currently one of your favorites. Throw in a little Johnny Cash and we are good.
5th birthday |
- Listening to you and your brothers play nicely together with Star Wars, skate boards, books, art, basketball is fun. As the 3 of you get older, you are going to be doing more and more together. Jackson and Cooper look up to you. When they see you doing something, they want to be just like you. Continue to be a good leader for them and your friends.
6th birthday |
- Your favorite word since you were 5 has been perseverance. On the court, in the classroom, on the field, at home. You keep working until you get it done.
7th birthday |
My job as your mommy is to help you become a great kid. Great attitude, good manners, respectful, responsible, honest and caring. Your job is to have fun, do great in school, be a great friend, try hard in sports and smile.
8th birthday |
Happy Birthday JJ Bean. Because of you I am a mommy.